Why Hatha Yoga

"Hatha Yoga in its original form is not an exercise form to gain fitness or lose weight but a methodology for a human being to flower into an ultimate possibility. Hatha Yoga is about aligning your system to the cosmic geometry. A way to become an extension of cosmic reverb.
Health does not come from outside but from within. Every cell in your body is working for your well being. If you are in tune with your system, you will naturally be healthy. Your physical health, your psychological wellbeing, and your spiritual possibility depend on how well aligned you are with existence. Essentially, Hatha Yoga is towards establishing this alignment. - Sadhguru

Surya Shakti
"Surya" means "Sun" and "Shakti" means "energy". Surya Shakti is an dynamic form of the Sun Salutation which is an ancient yogic practice with a powerful sequence of 18 postures. Surya Shakti builds the physical body – it makes the sinews and ligaments of your body strong. In Yoga, we give importance to the sinews that hold the skeletal system and the whole body together. When we do any yogic practice, which is physical in nature, the focus is mainly to strengthen those, not to pump up your muscles. Strengthening the sinews of the body is what will endure for a long time and keep you well. Surya Shakti does this in a tremendous way.

Practice Benefits
Brings about physical fitness and overall wellbeing
Makes the sinews and ligaments of the body strong
Increases mental alertness and focus
Creates a basis for one to move into higher states of energy
Increases energy levels
Increases physical strength & stamina
Realigns the musculo-skeletal system
Pre Requisites
Age - 14 years and above
Intensity Level - Moderate
No prior knowledge of Yoga needed
Hours: 3-4.5 Hours spread over day/s depending on the workshop structure.
Sadhguru talks of three processes to align with the sun, the most profound being Surya Kriya. Placing them in context, Sadhguru calls the widely practised Surya Namaskar a “country cousin” of Surya Kriya, while yet another process called Surya Shakti would be a “far-off relative.” He elaborates: “If you want to just use this system as a physical culture to become physically strong, you do Surya Shakti.....