Why Hatha Yoga

"Hatha Yoga in its original form is not an exercise form to gain fitness or lose weight but a methodology for a human being to flower into an ultimate possibility. Hatha Yoga is about aligning your system to the cosmic geometry. A way to become an extension of cosmic reverb.
Health does not come from outside but from within. Every cell in your body is working for your well being. If you are in tune with your system, you will naturally be healthy. Your physical health, your psychological wellbeing, and your spiritual possibility depend on how well aligned you are with existence. Essentially, Hatha Yoga is towards establishing this alignment. - Sadhguru

Bhuta Shuddhi
"Bhuta Shuddhi is about removing everything that you have built up so that the Creator’s creation will rise and shine within you." - Sadhguru
The basis for all creation, including the physical body, is the group of five elements: earth, water, wind, fire, and space. The wellbeing of the body and mind can be established by purifying these five elements within the human system. This process also shapes the body into a stepping stone towards one’s ultimate wellbeing. There is a whole system of yoga called Bhuta Shuddhi, which means “purification of the elements.” The Bhuta Shuddhi processes offered by Isha Hatha yoga, provide a unique opportunity for everyone to benefit from this esoteric yogic science, which otherwise requires intense sadhana (spiritual practices).
Practice Benefits
Keeps the system in harmony and balance
Prepares the system to handle powerful states of energy
Enhances the capabilities of the physical body, mind, and energy system
Creates the basis to gain complete mastery over the human system
Pre Requisites
Age - 14 years and above
Intensity Level - Low
No prior experience of yoga needed
Hours: 1.5 Hours spread over day/s depending on the workshop structure.
Every yogic practice, whatever kind it may be, is essentially drawn from the process of bhuta shuddhi. If you do an asana, surya namaskar, surya kriya, pranayama or a kriya, in a way, you are doing bhuta shuddhi. In other words, you address life in its most fundamental form, which are the five elements. You can address life just as body. You can address life as prana or life energy. You can address life on the cellular level. You can even address life on the atomic level. Or you can address life on the elemental level, which is most fundamental. Yoga is an attempt towards that.....